AGE | | | |
BASED AT | Valencia (Spain) |
My research interests include speech synthesis (TTS), automatic speech recognition (ASR) and machine translation (MT). I develop speaker-adaptive TTS technologies for automatic dubbing at AppTek.
I made an online instrument tuner using the microphone based on the HTML5 Web Audio API. It is available here.
I made a web subtitle editor built with React for the MLLP's Transcription and Translation Platform.
I made an augmented reality chess game for the Android platform as part of a master's course.
I was one of the main developers of the LaVie lecture recommendation system for the VideoLectures.NET site during my 3-month research stay at the Institut Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana.
I developed Plectrus, an HTML5 web platform for instrument learning and assesment of musical intonation.
In 2016 I started developing CASFID's Enterticket platform for organizing and managing cultural events.
I studied Computer Science and a master's degree in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Imaging in the Universitat Politècnica de València. I completed my Ph.D. at UPV in June 2022, entitled Deep Neural Networks for Speech-to-Speech Translation of Open Educational Resources. From 2012 to 2022, I was part of the Machine Learning and Language Processing group of the Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN), where I could develop myself as a Machine Learning researcher next to an extraordinary team. During this period I worked for several research projects regarding the application and development of speech technologies (Automatic Speech Recognition, Machine Translation and Text-To-Speech) in the area of education. Since 2019, I am leading speech synthesis (TTS) research and developments at AppTek. I am also experienced in full-stack web development technologies (PHP, NodeJS, SQL, JavaScript and frameworks like jQuery, React or Angular; AWS, Docker, etc).
I am leading speech synthesis (text-to-speech) research and developments at AppTek.
I have worked for several research projects related with Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies:
Educational eXplanations and Practices in Emergency Remote Teaching (EXPERT). Erasmus+ KA2 research project supported by the Erasmus+ Education program under grant agreement no.20-226-093604-SCH.
Multilingual subtitling of classrooms and plenary sessions. Research project supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science under ref. no. RTI2018-094879-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU)
X5gon is an EU H2020 project which aims to create a solution that will help users/students find what they need not just in OER repositories, but across all open educational resources on the web.
More (Multilingual Online Resources for Education) is a MINECO founded project which aims to dramatically foster Open Education by providing multilingual access to OER and by enabling multilingual online communication in MOOC platforms.
The European Multiple MOOC Aggregator is a 30-month pilot action supported by the European Union. It aims to showcase excellence in innovative teaching methodologies and learning approaches through the large-scale piloting of MOOCs on different subjects.
transLectures was an EU-funded project to develop innovative, cost-effective tools for the automatic transcription and translation of online educational videos.
The Harvest project La Vie developed a proof-of-concept recommendation system to provide users of VideoLectures.NET with advice on suitable videos for their needs.
My interest on designing web pages and applications began at the age of 14, where I created some of my first personal websites using Adobe Dreamweaver. Since 2015 I also work as a freelance full-stack web developer. Here is some of my work:
I completed my Ph.D. thesis at Universitat Politècnica de València on improving neural speech synthesis technologies for cascaded speech-to-speech translation in the context of automatic dubbing. It is entitled Deep Neural Networks for Automatic Speech-To-Speech Translation of Open Educational Resources.
I studied a master's degree on artificial intelligence where I learnt the basics about many different topics related to artificial intelligence, machine learning and pattern recognition (probability theory, neural networks, deep learning, support vector machines, Hidden Markov Models...)
I studied Computer Science Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de València, where I chose the specialization on Artificial Intelligence for the 5th year.
Iranzo-Sánchez, Javier; Jorge, Javier; Pérez-González-de-Martos, Alejandro; Giménez, Adrià; Garcés Díaz-Munío, Gonçal V; Baquero-Arnal, Pau; Silvestre-Cerdà, Joan Albert; Civera, Jorge; Sanchis, Albert; Juan, Alfons. Proc. of 19th Intl. Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2022), pp. 255–264, Dublin (Ireland), 2022.
Pérez-González-de-Martos, A., Sanchis, A., & Juan, A. (2021). VRAIN-UPV MLLP's system for the Blizzard Challenge 2021. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.15792.
Pérez-González-de-Martos, Alejandro; Iranzo-Sánchez, Javier; Giménez Pastor, Adrià ; Jorge, Javier; Silvestre-Cerdà, Joan-Albert; Civera, Jorge; Sanchis, Albert; Juan, Alfons. Proc. Interspeech 2021, pp. 2277–2281, Brno (Czech Republic), 2021.
Alejandro Pérez, Gonçal Garcés Díaz-Munío, Adrià Giménez, Joan Albert Silvestre-Cerdà, Albert Sanchis, Jorge Civera, Manuel Jiménez, Carlos Turró, Alfons Juan. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 105, 2021, 104413, ISSN 0952-1976.
Jorge, Javier; Giménez, Adrià; Baquero-Arnal, Pau; Iranzo-Sánchez, Javier; Pérez-González-de-Martos, Alejandro; Garcés Díaz-Munío, Gonçal V; Silvestre-Cerdà, Joan Albert; Civera, Jorge; Sanchis, Albert; Juan, Alfons. Proc. of IberSPEECH 2021, pp. 118–122, Valladolid (Spain), 2021.
Garcés Díaz-Munío, Gonçal V; Silvestre-Cerdà, Joan Albert ; Jorge, Javier; Giménez, Adrià; Iranzo-Sánchez, Javier; Baquero-Arnal, Pau; Roselló, Nahuel; Pérez-González-de-Martos, Alejandro; Civera, Jorge; Sanchis, Albert; Juan, Alfons. Proc. Interspeech 2021, pp. 3695–3699, Brno (Czech Republic), 2021.
Santiago Piqueras, Alejandro Pérez, Carlos Turró Ribalta, Manuel Jiménez, Albert Sanchis, Jorge Civera, Alfons Juan. In Proc. of In-Red 2017 - III Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red, Valencia (Spain), 2017.
A. Pérez-González-de-Martos, J. A. Silvestre-Cerdà, M. Rihtar, A. Juan, and J. Civera. In Proc. of VIII Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla and IV Iberian SLTech Workshop (IberSpeech 2014), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 2014.
J. D. Valor Miró, R. N. Spencer, A. Pérez González de Martos, G. Garcés Díaz-Munío, C. Turró, J. Civera, and A. Juan. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, vol. 29, iss. 1, pp. 72-85, 2014.
J. D. Valor Miró, R. N. Spencer, A. Pérez González de Martos, G. Garcés Díaz-Munío, C. Turró, J. Civera, and A. Juan. In Proc. of I Jornadas de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red (IN-RED 2014), Valencia (Spain), 2014.
J.A. Silvestre-Cerdà, A. Pérez González de Martos, C. Turró. IEEE SMC 2013 Conference, October 2013, Manchester (England).
J.D. Valor Miró, A. Pérez González de Martos, J. Civera and A. Juan. IberSPEECH 2012, vol. CCIS 328, Springer, p. 237–246, November 2012, Madrid (Spain).
J. A. Silvestre-Cerdà, M. A. del Agua, G. Garcés, G. Gascó, A. Giménez, A. Martínez, A. Pérez, I. Sánchez, N. Serrano, R. Spencer, J. D. Valor, J. Andrés-Ferrer, J. Civera, A. Sanchis, and A. Juan. Proceedings of IberSPEECH 2012, November 2012, Madrid (Spain).